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5 books to be released in July of 2021

My birthday is in July which means I always give myself a bit more permission to go mental buying books. You know, as a treat for my birthday. I also tell my friends, family, distant acquaintances (strangers on the street) and everyone else who is willing to listen, which books I love, so that they can get these for me as gifts. After which I will of course act like I am completely surprised that they managed to find a book that perfectly fits my preferences!

So, if any of them is reading this: hi! I’ve made it even easier for you this year, just have a look at the list below.

All kidding aside though, I am genuinely excited for the books on this list. They are a perfect mix of fantasy, historical fiction, gothic fantasy. There’s a bit for everyone.

Half Sick of Shadows - By Laura Sebastian

Release date: 6th of July 2021
Publisher: Ace


Everyone knows the legend. Of Arthur, destined to be a king. Of the beautiful Guinevere, who will betray him with his most loyal knight, Lancelot. Of the bitter sorceress, Morgana, who will turn against them all. But Elaine alone carries the burden of knowing what is to come--for Elaine of Shalott is cursed to see the future.

On the mystical isle of Avalon, Elaine runs free and learns of the ancient prophecies surrounding her and her friends--countless possibilities, almost all of them tragic.

When their future comes to claim them, Elaine, Guinevere, Lancelot, and Morgana accompany Arthur to take his throne in stifling Camelot, where magic is outlawed, the rules of society chain them, and enemies are everywhere. Yet the most dangerous threats may come from within their own circle.

As visions are fulfilled and an inevitable fate closes in, Elaine must decide how far she will go to change fate--and what she is willing to sacrifice along the way.

My thoughts:

Like many children from western societies, I grew up with the Arthurian legend. The magnificent man who claimed his birthright was betrayed by the love of his life and his best friend, was surrounded by magic and mystery and who would lead his kingdom into an age of prosperity. We’ve all heard it, seen it, read it. This is why seeing this legend through different eyes, from a different perspective is so interesting. Lancelot, which I read a little while back, further convinced me of this fact and I feel Half Sick of Shadows will follow this trend.

It Ends in Fire - By Andrew Shvarts

Release date: 6th of July 2021
Publisher: Little Brown/Patterson


As a child, Alka witnessed her parents' brutal murder at the hands of Wizards before she was taken in by an underground rebel group.

Now, Alka is deep undercover at the most prestigious school of magic in the Republic: Blackwater Academy, a place where status is everything, where decadent galas end in blood-splattered duels, where every student has their own agenda. To survive, Alka will have to lie, cheat, kill, and use every trick in her spy's toolkit. And for the first time in her life, the fiercely independent Alka will have to make friends in order to recruit the misfits and the outcasts into her motley rebellion.

But even as she draws closer to victory — to vengeance — she sinks deeper into danger as suspicious professors and murderous rivals seek the traitor in their midst, and dark revelations unravel her resolve. Can Alka destroy the twisted game...without becoming a part of it?

My thoughts:

So can we all just agree, from the start, that this sounds like a gruelling, grown-up version of Harry Potter? This is Hogwarts where Hermione has gone of the rails and isn’t afraid to do what she needs to achieve her goals. Could this be any more perfect? I think not!

Six Crimson Cranes - By Elizabeth Lim

Release Date: 6th of July 2021


Shiori, the only princess of Kiata, has a secret. Forbidden magic runs through her veins. Normally she conceals it well, but on the morning of her betrothal ceremony, Shiori loses control. At first, her mistake seems like a stroke of luck, forestalling the wedding she never wanted, but it also catches the attention of Raikama, her stepmother.

Raikama has dark magic of her own, and she banishes the young princess, turning her brothers into cranes, and warning Shiori that she must speak of it to no one: for with every word that escapes her lips, one of her brothers will die.

Penniless, voiceless, and alone, Shiori searches for her brothers, and, on her journey, uncovers a conspiracy to overtake the throne—a conspiracy more twisted and deceitful, more cunning and complex, than even Raikama's betrayal. Only Shiori can set the kingdom to rights, but to do so she must place her trust in the very boy she fought so hard not to marry. And she must embrace the magic she's been taught all her life to contain—no matter what it costs her.

My thoughts:

I know I say it a lot, but how freaking gorgeous is this cover? I am half debating getting this blow-up and hanging it somewhere in my apartment. I am not ashamed to admit that the cover alone tempted me to read the synopsis. Which doesn’t disappoint either. It’s being marketed to fans of Adeyemi’s work, which I count myself amongst, so I will definitely have to get this one.

The River has Teeth - By Erica Waters

Release Date: 20th of July 2021


Natasha’s sister is missing.

Her car was found abandoned on the edge of a local nature preserve known as the Bend, but as the case goes cold, Natasha’s loss turns to burning anger.

She’ll do anything to find answers.

Della’s family has channelled magic from the Bend for generations, providing spells for the desperate. But when Natasha appears on her doorstep, Della knows it will take more than simple potions to help her.

But Della has her own secrets to hide.

Because Della thinks she knows the beast who’s responsible for the disappearance — her own mother, who was turned into a terrible monster by magic gone wrong.

Natasha is angry. Della has little to lose.

They are each other’s only hope.

My thoughts:

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again! Give me a book that blurs the lines between fantasy, mystery and detective thrillers and I am one happy camper. What’s not to love about a book that manages to superbly combine two or I suppose three of your all-time favourite genres.

What We Devour - By Linsey Miller

Release date: 6th of July 2021
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire


Lorena Adler has a secret—she holds the power of the banished gods, the Noble and the Vile, inside her. She has spent her entire life hiding from the world and her past. She’s content to spend her days as an undertaker in a small town, marry her best friend, Julian, and live an unfulfilling life so long as no one uncovers her true nature.

But when the notoriously bloodthirsty and equally Vile crown prince comes to arrest Julian’s father, he immediately recognizes Lorena for what she is. So she makes a deal—a fair trial for her betrothed’s father in exchange for her service to the crown.

The prince is desperate for her help. He’s spent years trying to repair the weakening Door that holds back the Vile…and he’s losing the battle. As Lorena learns more about the Door and the horrifying price it takes to keep it closed, she’ll have to embrace both parts of herself to survive.

My thoughts:

It’s rare for me to read a synopsis and immediately go into overdrive trying to unravel the mystery it is hinting at. What we devour manages to do just that. I am getting some major vampiric / zombie queen Esque vibes from this synopsis and I am here for it. What We Devour feels like a fully dark, gothic novel that leans into the gore without being apologetic about it. Which is what we all need from time to time.

What are your thoughts? Are there some hidden gems coming out in July that I haven’t included? Have you anxiously been counting down the days until these stunning stories are released? Let me know in the comment section below, and until then - just one more page!