Bluntly Bookish

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5 Books to look forward to in March of 2021

So, with the weather being what it is at the moment and lockdown in the UK dragging on, there seems little to look forward to. Except for books of course, and boy does March 2021 deliver.

Let’s take a look at 5 Stand-Alone novels that will soon be released.

Why stand-alone you ask? Good question! To be frank with you, I have a little issue with series, whether that is books, games and/or tv. I don’t have the patience to consume the content one by one, forced to wait for the next morsel to be passed down. Terrible, I know! Let me tell you, trying to watch Game of Thrones as it was released was absolute torture. I should have gotten a badge by the end of it, certainly after that finally. (Yes I am still sore)

Now, please don’t worry. I do still read book series as they are released because lets be honest, some of them are well worth the torture. But, in between series I do like to give myself a mental break by reading some stellar stand-alone books. So, without further ado, here are 5 stand-alone books coming out in March 2021 I am exceptionally excited about:

What are your thoughts? Are any of these books on your ‘to-read’ list or have you preordered them already?

Let me know in the comment sections below and until then - just one more page!